Friday 8 April 2011

What are the differences between a teaser trailer and a theatrical trailer?


We can see that in this trailer nothing of the plot is given away, it firstly shows footage from the first movie and how it was a such a phenomanon that a sequel was demanded, and this clip also shows reaction from the audience, which theatrical trailers don't.
Also, another feature of this trailer is that it doesn't give a date as to when it will hit box offices it just tells you what the name is and where you can go to research it. I think this trailer can get away with it because of the sheer amount of hype that came after the first one was released. In teaser trailers the plot is nearly never told, it relys on the audience to piece together what may or is happening.


In this trailer, we see a substaitial amount more than the teaser trailer, it gives away plenty of the plot to show a basic idea of what the film is about and to introduce us to the main protaganist and supposed villians.
Also, the idea that this is a theatrical trailer means that the time that the trailer is to be shown must be longer than a teaser trailer so that the audience can dip thier toes in and know enough to want to see it.

Also, at the end we see the intertitles "This Year The Battles Comes To Earth" at the end spaced out in frames, this could be used as the films tagline and also uses a pragmatic on what genre of film this is (if you didn't get it from the films visuals", it also ends giving us the name of the film "THOR". Thor is known mainly for being the Norse God of lightining but this Thor has been adapted by Marvel many years ago so Marvel film buffs and fans will alreday know what the film will be about, but for the lesser audience who don't they have to gove away enough drama and action to make them interested which is very common in all theatrical trailers.

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