Thursday 10 March 2011

How Did You Use New Media Technologies In The Construction and Research, Planning and Evaluation Stages?

Technology by JoshBatch2009

Technology a photo by JoshBatch2009 on Flickr.
The Technology I used to make, edit and finalize 'The Spare Room'

For our pre-production, we made a horror movie survey on Survey Monkey that we then posted on popular social networking sites such as Tumblr and Facebook, this was so we could get our survey out to a wider audience, our target audience so we could capture and record what they wanted to see and what made horror movies click to them.

For filming we used the Sony recording cameras that are available in college, these had built in microphones so we were able to record all the diegetic sound and also to record the voiceovers for our shots and intertitles and just selected the audio tracks on Final Cut Pro.

For our soundtrack me and Harry used a Roland VS-2480 mixing desk with a Blackstar amp to record guitar and bass, the microphones we used to capture the acoustic, electric and bass guitar were an SM57 Dynamic Microphone and a AKG NT2a as these have a cardiod polar pattern so they only pick up the sounds from the front and reject any background noise that we didn't want. I have been a Music Technology student for both AS and A2 so I knew how to work the desk and how to record and capture the needed WAV files.

To make our finished product we cut, pasted and edited our project on Final Cut Pro and AudioLab on an Apple Mac as these programmes were the best for us to use as we could use finer techniques to edit and put any added filters, intertitles, effects and transistions into our movie trailer.

For our anicllary products I used Adobe Photoshop CS5 to make the template and put in the images to make the final look of my magazine, for the images on my movie poster and the film strip images I used the RetroCamera app on my iPhone 3GS as these were free and I could do them at home and the choices of camera already edited the photos for me.

Click image to see Flickr analysis.

1 comment:

  1. This answer is very underdeveloped. You need to explain how you used technology during each of the three stages of the production. Firstly in research and planning, secondly in the production itself, and thirdly in your evaluation work. You need more specific detail on each stage with examples and exploration of what, specifically, you learnt about each. For example with Final Cut Pro four editing techniques did you learn? What tools were useful? How did the editing process change your product? My suggestion here would be to leave the Flickr analysis as it is but before it write about these issues directly to the blog post.
