Monday 22 November 2010

Plot and Title for our Horror Movie Trailer.

                                                                The Spare Room

A young couple (Kellie and Mitch) and  are travelling across the U.K on a holiday but their car breaks down along the way which seems to be in the middle of nowhere.
AsMitch checks on the car, a farmer (Michael) comes up to them and asks if they need some help. They ask for a number of a local bed and breakfast and a mechanic. He offers to fix their car because he fixes tractors for a living and he offers them a place to stay in his spare room. Kellie is unsure about staying at the house but Mitch finally persuades her to stay. Michael leads them into his house and takes them up to the room, and they see that the room is dark, smelly and eerie. They finally manage to go to sleep in two dingy fold out beds.
They awake in the morning gagged and tied to the beds and cameras recording them. The farmer and others enter the room carrying power tools and then begins to torture the boyfriend, when the farmer and others leave the house to see who else has driven up near the house. During this moment Kellie manages to tip the bed she is on and cut the rope around her ankles and wrists. She tries to untie her boyfriend but in the middle of doing so the farmer comes up the stairs. She says that she will come back for him while she goes and finds the police but from the loss of blood he eventually dies. The farmer and other slashers realising that Kellie has escaped pursues her down the road where the house lies.

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