Tuesday 16 November 2010

My Initail Movie Trailer Idea.

                           MY INITAIL MOVIE TRAILER IDEA                        

                                                      The Locals
4 friends are on road trip over the U.K, they are driving along the back roads in the countryside, they are lost so they don’t know where they are going, when suddenly their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, one of them sees a light in the distance coming from a house. They travel up the road to go to the house and ask if there is a spare room available. They knock on the door and a 40 year old farmer man and his wife answer the door.
They ask if they can stay the night and that they will be gone in the morning, they also ask for the number of a local mechanic to fix their car, the framer has had experience in fixing tractors so he says he will try and fix their car. He collects their car from the bottom of the road and sends them into his house. His wife sits them all down into the lounge and gets them a cup of tea and shows them to the spare room where they stay the night.
They are shown to really dingy, tea stained beds in a small cold room with no heating and a really odd smell. They settle down for the night as they hear the sounds are drills and tools being used to fix the car…or at least that’s what they think.
They awake to find themselves chained to the beds by their wrists and ankles and gagged so they cannot scream for help. They look around to see other video cameras around them and blood stained power tools on the floor. They see masked figures, heavily breathing and staring them down. The masked figures then go through a series of torturing the teenagers, all for the entertainment of snuff films that the couple keep for their entertainment. The couple explain how their son was killed by a group of teenagers so they now wreak havoc on all teenagers who pass by and come to the house. After 3 of the teenagers are killed including her boyfriend, the final girl is able to escape by cutting the rope around her wrists with a saw that is placed on the floor in the room, she has to sneak out of the house avoiding the masked couple and run and get help, but more masked figures turn up and spot her trying to escape, a lethal game of cat and mouse pursues and see has to stay alive till morning to escape and get help from the locals.

This is a local town, for local folk

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